





美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.1美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.2美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.3美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.4美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.5美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.6美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.13美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.14美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.15美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.16美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.17美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.18美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.19美女与野兽1991 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-05-30 20:02


贝儿美丽善良,与老父亲一起住在一个宁静的小村庄里。一次,父亲不小心闯进了野兽的领地,被囚禁在野兽的城堡里。为了救出亲爱的父亲,贝儿只身犯险,答应与野兽同居于古堡而换回了父亲。野兽的城堡华丽而充满奇幻色彩,有充满绅士风度的烛台先生,和蔼亲切的茶壶妈妈,还有可爱的小茶壶宝宝。然而,贝儿生活的并不愉快,一心想念着她的父亲。  终于,贝儿找到了逃走的机会。可是却遇到了凶狠的狼群。危难关头,野兽及时出现,解救了贝儿,自己却受了伤。贝儿心存感动,细心照顾野兽。相处的过程中,二人互相了解,野兽也被感化,慢慢变得温和,学会去爱。朝夕相处,日生情愫。也许,野兽也可以是英勇的守护骑士,温雅的白马王子。


 1 ) The Age Of Not Believing ~~~

      Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Like always, our story begins with Long long ago once upon a time in a faraway land. Our story ends with The prince and princess live happily ever after. Except......

      The young and handsome prince, who lived in a shining castle and had everything his heart desires, was extremely spoiled, selfish and unkind. On a winter's night, an old beggar woman came to ask for shelter from the bitter cold and offer him a single rose. Repulsed by her haggard apperance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned her away. The old woman warned him not to be judge by cover for beauty is found within. But still, he dismissed her again. Suddenly the ugly woman turned into a beautiful enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart. As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and cast a spell on the castle and all those who lived there. The rose she had offered was actually enchanted, which would bloom until the prince's 21st birthday. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast forever. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the prince concealed himself inside the castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. As time passed by, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?

      It's not some cinderella romance, where the prince loves the poor but pretty girl at first sight and a fairy godmother saves her from misery...It's also not some Romeo & Juliet tragedy, where two young hearts fall for each but tored apart because of their family hatred...It's not snow white. It's not sleepling beauty. It's not little mermaid. Above all, it's the prince to be rescued...

      In an ordinary provincial, there lived a peculiar girl Belle, who happened to be our leading lady. She's different from the others, with a dreamy and far-off look and her nose stuck in the fairy books. No wonder that her name means beauty, for her fair facade has got no parallel. That could be a gift but a nightmare on th other side. Because some boorish and brainless muscled brute Gaston set his mind to marry her although she turned him down flatly. He thought himself deserve the best equally the pretties. She's nothing like other girls, who would worship and kill to be his little wife. It's certainly not a pity and a sin that she doesn't fit in. Because she wants more, more than this life. Because she wants adventure, more than what's planned.

      Her papa, the inventor, genius in her opinion, crazy in the others', went to some invention fair one day. But he was lost in the woods and hunted by the wolves. He ran into the castle accidentally for help because he was ice cold and sick frightenedd. No idea of being in an enchanted castle, he was greeted by Lumiere the magic candle, Cogsworth the magic clock, Mrs Pottsthe and his son the magic tea pot and cup...Just then, the master showed up and was furious to find some stranger in his castle. He imprisoned the old man in the dungeon for his breaking and entering. Seeing her papa's horse return alone, Belle believed something terrible must have happened. She followed papa's route into the woods and discovered the castle. Belle found her papa captured by a horrible monster, with ugly snout and sharp fangs. She begged him to let go of her father and promised to do anything in return. At last they made the deal that she would take her papa's place to be the prisoner.

      It's like one drop into the once-and-for-all tranquille lake. Belle's arrival has been quite something new. All servants including the master himself all believe that she could be the girl to break their spell. However things didn't go well as planned. The beast was not only scary outside but also mean to Belle. Belle was so scared and desperate that she not only lost her father and her dream suddenly but also had to spend the rest of her life there with a monster. But the servants are very hospitable and sincere. They came to help the sympethetic girl and treat her as their honored guest with warm tea, nice outfits, delicious dinner, magnificent music, et cetra. It's a magical castle with enchanted characters, figured out by Belle. She was exciting but intimidating still. She walked into the west wing knowing it's forbidden and wondering what the beast had been hiding. Of course the beast found out. He flew into rage and cast her away. Belle was so frightened that she fleed out the castle with no return. But she was attacked by a bunch of cruel wolves on the running. Just then, the beast appeared and saved her life like a hero although himself was badly injured.

      There maybe somthing there that wasn't there before. Perhaps they just never ever thought that this could be happening. He was coarse and unrefined but now so sweet and deer. He sparked her interests by offering a mountain-like library full of books. He invited her to the dinners and behaved like a gentleman. They went skating hand in hand, they enjoyed dancing arm by arm. A bit alarming still, but Belle doesn't see him as anything but a beast anymore. With a few days more, there maybe something there that wasn't there before.

      Then came the hightlight. When everything was under control and other spectators all believd it is time, Belle revealed the secret that she had been missing her papa so much and wanted to go back home. The beast was reluctant inside, but he wasn't selfish anymore because he finally began to love someone and care for someone more than himself. He loves Belle and the only thing he could do for her is to let her go. Maybe there was hope, but now it is gone, gone with the girl who could break the spell. When Belle returned to the village, she found her papa was sentenced to be insane because he told the scandal that her daughter was locked up by a monster. Belle knew it was Gaston' plot for wooing and marrying her by force, if not, her papa would be sent into asylum. Belle showed people the mirror which reflected the beast. It was a parting gift from the beast. Belle told them that he was not scary or harmful but kind and deer. Gaston found out that Belle had feelings for such a monster and he could't bear it at all, for how could such a monster have Belle's heart when she could have someone like himself. He was jealous and vicious. He gathered the villagers with arms and was determined to kill the beast. The beast was in despair and fell out of love. Gaston stabbed him but he seemed to have lost all the power to live anymore.But seeing Belle's returning, he suddnely became himself, stong and undistructable. He lifted Gaton up in the air and warned him if he ever came here again. Gaston was despictable and stabbed the beast at heart withhout noticing. After a huge fight, the crowds were defeated by the enchanted servants and Gaston fell from the felony. The beast was dying with Belle on his side. She's crying, crying for someone she loves. He's happy and contented because the love of his life had returned for his sake. Still it's too late...Isn' it?

      Three words eight letters. Say it and poof. Break the spell...

      Just before the last petal of the enchanted rose fell, just before the beast died, Belle said the magic words. Poof! Suddenly the dying beast was transforming into a young and handsome prince, while the dark and doomed castle was shining and glowing. It's miracle. It's magic. It's the power of love. It's the wish coming true.

      Certain as the sun, rising in the east...Tale as old as time, song as old as ryhme...Beauty and the Beast...

      Still it's a happily ever after ending. Still it's Disney making our dream coming true. The fairy has been retelling over generaitons while used-to-be children have becoming parents-to-be. Why couln't we just let go of something so childish, so surreal, so unbelieale? Because it's what our hearts want, it's the happily ever after we want, it's the beauty and love we want. There maybe somthing there that wasn't there before. Perhaps there is something beautiful there that hadn't been seen there before.

      When we have rushed around in hopeless circles, searching everywhere for something true, we are at the age of not believing, when all the make-believe is true.

      When we have set aside our childhood heroes and our dreams are lost upon a shelf, we are at the age of not believing, and worst of all we doubt ourselves.

      We are castaway where no one hears us on a barren isle in a lonely sea. Where did all the happy endings go? Where can all the good times be?

      We must face the age of not believing, doubting everything we ever knew, until at last we start believing there is something wonderful in ourselves.

 2 ) 迪士尼系列都超可爱的啊


贝儿美丽善良却不合群,野兽看似凶恶却被贝儿感化。这部电影其实不单单在看她们的故事,里面其实有很多有趣的场景设计,会说话的茶杯、会走路的蜡烛、会自己打开的衣柜,这些都很有趣,尤其是后来知道他们都是受了诅咒变成家具的仆人,只有主人解除诅咒他们才能变回人,更觉得他们各种助攻很是可爱,最后虽然受了点小波折,但是贝儿的眼泪还是给野兽解除了诅咒,最后happy ending❤️

 3 ) 《美女与野兽(Beauty and the Beast)》:抢美女(IMDB250 TOP 249)


Beauty and the Beast (1991)



在看这部电影的时候,我对于迪斯科动画还不了解。一边看一边查了一些资料,才发现迪斯尼动画分很多种,而迪斯尼公司最正宗的就是“迪士尼经典动画(Walt Disney's CLASSICS)”,而本片就是其中最优秀的一部。实在是失敬啊,在没看之前只是把它当成普通动画片,太小瞧它了。此外,在看过众多的电影后,还没有真正的看过几部迪斯尼经典动画,实在是浪费生命!









 4 ) 善良、古怪、坚持、感染、爱情、解救

片中的贝儿,跟我前段时间看到的《a walk the remember》中的女主人公有很大的相似之处,她们都坚持自己的主见,她们自信、对生活充满希望、有自己的兴趣爱好和信仰,完全不去理会外界对自己的评价与攻击,坚信真理、坚持原则。并且都能通过自己身上所散发的强大力量感染别人,让与之接触的人在不知不觉中改变。

 5 ) 美好的童话能叩开紧绷的心


 6 ) 我希望野兽不是王子







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有人认为爱是性,是婚姻,是清晨六点的吻,是一堆孩子,也许真是这样的,莱斯特小姐。但你知道我怎么想吗,我觉得爱是想触碰又收回手。 ——塞林格《破碎故事之心》

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2011.09.08 我爱小茶杯,=3=。这故事是说,只要女人完美、男人怎样都可以成就圆满爱情。2017.03.20 比让.谷克多的版本故事更完整流畅,贝尔更英气一些。

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