奇妙萌可 第二季


主演:이지현  조경이  신용우  严相贤  장예나  이보희  김은아  김현욱  김명준  



奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.1奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.2奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.3奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.4奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.5奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.6奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.13奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.14奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.15奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.16奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.17奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.18奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.19奇妙萌可 第二季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-07-17 04:38


  《캐치! 티니핑》은 삼지애니메이션이 만든 애니메이션으로, 2020년 3월 19일부터 매주 목요일 오후 5시 15분에 KBS 2TV에서 방영하고 있다.


 1 ) 这是JoJo,好看的









 2 ) This anime is so GAAAAAAAAAyRRRRRRR

Stardust Crusaders (2014) is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure : the Animation (2012)'s sequel. But if you think about it seriously, there are a thousand things that are different between the two seasons, and which make undoubtedly SEASON 1 > SEASON 2. To some extent, you could speak of a DIFFERENT anime.
I took a quick look on the reviews of other websites a moment ago : senscritique (barely), anidb (clearly) & anime news network (surely) all agree with me on which season is better, only douban doesn't and that can be explained easily : the community of douban does not understand SHIT to anime. All hail anidb !

Since I consider Jojo's Bizarre Adventure the Animation (2012 = season 1) as the best shounen anime of all time, this review is mostly going to be a comparison between the two, a comparison between the Master and the student.

Characters : Stardust Crusaders' has the worst Jojo so far. His look is definitely GAR, but the "R" in here is getting too much closer to an "Y". The chain on his neck, the hat on his head and that stupid cape make his design far less enjoyable than the two first ones.
Personality wise, he is an empty shell, and this hurts even more since they had 24 episodes to develop him, whereas they had far less for the two previous Jojo's who had to share out the 24 episodes.
When the two first Jojo's had a few first episodes to lay down some background (usually without much fights or as an appetizer) and stories in order to introduce the protagonists, their values & skills (honesty & raw force for the first, naughtiness & smartness for the second), this one only gets the bare minumum. The end result is that there will be no empathy for the character during the whole show. This 3rd Jojo's has almost no dialogue lines : he looks cold, avoids to talk, does the job (i.e. the killing) when necessary and contains all his emotions. The "Yare yare" (Good grief) that he keeps on repeating in every circumstance is DEFINITELY not cool...
This goes to the extent that we might at some point doubt who is the main character... since this one does not get so much attention when the stories unfolds, & the creator focuses more on the other characters. This is also a big difference with the first season, in which one Jojo's is the boss & the others are only there in a support (Zeppeli the teacher) / secondary (Zeppeli the descendant) / commentary (Speedwagon) role and usually end up dying or beat up.
In Stardust Crusaders, there are actually TWO Jojo's simultaneously. One plays the role of the Dark Powerful Silent Protagonist and the second of the Experienced Funny Talkative "secondary" character. + 3 other characters that actually get a lot of attention and a bit of development (especially Polnareff) : Avdol (the Wise & Temperate guy) whose Stand skills are Power & Fire, Kakyoin (Common Sense & Stabilising member of the group) whose Stand skills are Flexibility & Variety, Polnareff (the Silly & Funny guy with whom the viewer will often adopt the subjective point of view : i.e. Avdol's death) and whose Stand skills are Precision & Velocity. Of course the characters are created so that there is an Equilibrium & Complementarity in the group, and so that no one is powerful enough for overtaking the Protagonist's role. Classicaly, who will face the new bad guy depends on the powers that they each have, and on how powerful is the enemy. Sometimes they will face altogether some enemies which is pretty cool in terms of interaction and symbiosis.

Development (structure & fights) : Far less epic than Stardust Crusaders for many reasons. One of them is that there are too many enemies (representing for some weird reasons a card in the Tarot game, which is not adding anything to the show - except perhaps selling the fucking cards later ?). On average, each new enemy has a two-episodes span life, including half an episode of silly jokes and progress in the map, a cool or stealth entrance, the fight lasting 1 episode with a couple of predictable twists and then a conclusion with everyone being happy and teaching the bad guy a good lesson. It's almost a pokemon-like structure... The worst is that Dio never appears in any fight... He is far away "waiting" for the characters in the darkness, raping bitches and looking strong & cool with the Jojo's family star on his back. This again reminds a lot of the old european cartoons of the 90's, in which the main antagonist keeps sending small fries without moving his ass, while he's posing and showing his best evil laughter. The show is structured in a way that we know at each episode that the bad guy is going to get his ass kicked and that a new one is coming next and so on... If the characters were not road tripping from Japan to Egypt and if we didn't know that opponents are limited in number (Dio will necessarily run out of those FUCKING Tarot cards), the anime would have been simply BORING. Hopefully the road trip enables to see different settings and is helping for building the jokes (toilets in India, 讨价还价 in Arab countries, rigorous rules in Singapore etc...). It goes without saying that the MYSTERY of season 1 (related to the Mask, to the ancient cultures evil forces etc.) is completely absent. In the first season, the stakes were generally much higher : badass & super dangerous enemies (including Dio and the mask's embodiments) with some depth & backstory would show up and give a real hard time for the protagonists (causing heavy injuries, deaths and big emotional fuss). In Stardust Crusaders, everything is too easy and taken lightly. Except once, all superficial injuries disappear at the end of the fight and, opponents come one by one and end up begging for their lives without any dignity.
And that leads us to one of the main points of this review : if you think about it in another way, one could argue that Jojo's is less of a shounen with serious fights than a funny comedy with loads of gag (adding the traveling adventure aspect, and it starts having a couple of common points with One Piece). This is not necessarily a critique, since the show is REALLY super funny, but mechanically less Epic and thrilling.

Other aspects : Aesthetically speaking, IMHO the first season's added effects were clearly better and engaging. They would for important moments, freeze the picture for a "cool phase" and add layers of colors and geometric forms all around in order to emphasize a situation and making it classy, usually during fights. This technique has sadly almost been abandoned in this anime... I thought it was brilliant in the first season. In the same spirit, moments when the colors of a given setting would start to beautifully distort and change are also less common in the sequel. The sceneries depicted were also more elaborate and beautiful in the latter.
Otherwise the animation of this sequel is really well-made, even though the artistic value is a bit inferior to the predecessor.
The music (including OP and especially the masterpiece song for the ending) is not as good as season 1 but still fits what's happening in the screen overall. The references to the rock n' roll & heavy metal world are also very rare compared to the first season, since the creators focused their references into general knowledge (geography, cultural aspects and bit of history) while describing the place where the characters stopped during their road trip.

Wish they do a sequel with more epicness, and with DIO !!!!!!! for God's sake.

 3 ) 旅游结束

虽然但是,星尘斗士这篇题外话太多了,台词也不行,尽管卡牌眼花缭乱,反派替身使者却大多被自己作死,真是傻的尴尬。 但是,爱一个人是不需要理由的,比如找优点这块,起码咱也跟着JOJO他们外出旅行了不是吗。 队友这块是个亮点,每个人都有各自的特质,但是最后抗大力的永远是JOJO,不觉得很伤伙伴吗嘎嘎,有机会还是单打独斗的好。 要我说迪奥这个叼毛,真的是福大命大,经常留点渣复活作妖,也许作者太爱他了,不过我可不想再见这家伙了,埃及篇我要看到他永远的绝望。 来吧埃及篇!

 4 ) JOJO的奇妙冒险是如何吸引到我的



我看的第一部JOJO是第三部星辰斗士,毕竟欧拉欧拉就出于这里,说实话,这画风属实诡异,每个人脸上都有一条叫做荒木线的东西,但是慢慢地,我被这部动漫的剧情和打斗场面完全地征服了,至于画风,看习惯了还挺帅的。接下来就是不停地看了,一集接着一集,根本停不下来,因为看完一集之后根本就不过瘾,总是期待着下一集会发生怎样奇妙的冒险.在我看完了星尘斗士之后,我终于明白了JOJO是谁,也明白了它的奇妙之处。这一部看完了怎么办?还有其他四部、就这样,我很快地补完了其他四部JOJO,哇,我真是嗨到不行,每一部都发生在不同的年代,主角也不是一个JOJO,但是都是一样地精彩。而且里面有超多的梗,像什么 是我Dio 哒!我不做人了 ,JOJO!WRYYYYYYYYYYYY!你的下一句话是......放弃了思考,典明粥,阿帕茶,秧歌STAR等等等等,梗实在是太多了,以前没注意到,现在看视频,弹幕里或多或少都会有点JOJO的梗在里面。


 5 ) 简短观后感







 6 ) 铭刻时光的旅程~

浩渺星空下,熊熊篝火旁,荒芜大漠中,深邃海洋里,50天,六个铁血男儿踏上这趟以爱和拯救为名的旅程,义无反顾。他们用自己的行动诠释了灵魂之崇高,而陪他们走了那么远之后我发现 根本无法不爱他们每一个。无敌的承太郎,睿智的花花,呆萌的波波,无私的阿布嘟嘟,狗比人勇的伊奇,还有我年老色衰,魅力却不减当年的二乔……荣耀属于星尘十字军!








  • 绝对值❕
  • 力荐


  • 有个小村
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其实我认为DIO唯一的人格魅力只在于第一部里说的那句充满人性光辉的 “我不做人了,jojo”,其余时候他都是一个中二的话痨基佬。

  • Pika Snafu
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  • 熊仔俠
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  • 么么酱
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本來覺得這部沒有前2部好看,但是!我還是給了5星!因為!我喜歡上波波這個逗逼了!!!腫麼辦! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

  • 沉淪。與涅槃
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  • 焚紙樓
  • 较差


  • 蚂蚁没问题
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  • momo
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  • 瑾朵朵
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承太郎和花京院典明分明是对情侣人设,原著里还不明显,动画里一览无余,作者有心了。五星因为我喜欢花京院典明这个角色。把写在别处的搬过来做个补充说明吧——有些设计很隐晦也很有意思。承太郎水瓶座,替身却是速度和力量型的白金之星。花京院狮子座,替身却是柔韧和冷静型的绿之法皇,两人技能完全和自身特质相反却符合对方特质。而水瓶和狮子是对宫星座,在恋爱中被认为是致命吸引却又容易给对方造成伤害的关系。花京院第一次出场是直接伤了承太郎的腿,而最后是花京院揭开了迪奥的秘密,牺牲自己传递了信息救了大家(其实就是承太郎)。在动画 ed 里承太郎和花京院是隔着冥河彼此相望,而花京院的围巾则和承太郎的衣服的颜色一样即紫色。类似的细节还不止这些。

  • 白胖饺子
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  • Nihilo
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  • 撒拖
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  • 半澤直叔
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  • 大星
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能做出来就无话可说了 不遗余力毁声优 还原原作这方面无可挑剔 不过后半稍微有点拖:倘若原作只够一集半 那便一定原创/拖成两集 上季虽然大刀阔斧砍剧情 但显得紧凑得多

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  • 说我没当
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  • 汝就做吾的犬吧
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